Monday, 28 January 2013

Worldbuilding Blogfest 1: Geography and Climate

Whilst I have quite a few projects on the go at the moment it wasn’t too difficult to pick which world to work with for a series of blogs on world building, since my other projects are all based in various alternate realities of good old earth. The world of the Veil however, is entirely from my own imagination. The only difficulty was in picking the time frame, as it has plots going on at about three points of its history. I opted for the middle route, so this is the world as it’s seen in  the Tales of The Rangers series, the project that’s currently at editing phase.

There are many countries in this world as in ours, but I’ve chosen to concentrate on the  three most of the major characters are from. I might add further details of these places throughout the week, but for now, let's get the basics up and this show on the road!


Jiarthe stretches from arid dusty land in the south  to slightly  greener mountains in the north. Temperatures vary from  45 Celsius (Yes, Celsisus, you americans can just deal ;) at the height of a southern summer, to  around  freezing , perhaps even -5 in north,  during the winter. The landscape in the north is ideal for farming, while in the south herding animals is more practical. The south has an arid beauty, but the greatest gift of this land is space, there’s more  of it than any man could need and her famous horses roam both wild and tamed over the land.

Biggest exports:

Biggest imports:
Chocolate (nobility only)


Carremar is the greenest land in all the world . Lush rolling hills, verdant forests, mountains and lakes. What more could you need?  Temperatures range from – 10 in the winter to 25,  30 if it’s a particularly warm summers day in the south. In the very north winters  can reach as low as -25,  and the cold can be your deadliest foe.

Biggest exports

Biggest Imports:


Rialla is a rainforest kingdom. It’s  people live in scattered semi permanent  villages but can easily take everything they need a flee into the trees. No man here is entirely settled  in his home, his home is all the forest. Few cities  exist, and those that do are centres of trade, hugging the edge of the forest where it thins  at the edge of the ocean. Plants and animals of the forest can  hurt or heal in equal measure, but one thing is for sure, you are never ever alone underneath the shelter of it’s trees. Temperatures never fall below  20, and  at their maximum reach 45 degrees, but humidity can make the forest feel much, much hotter than it is.  Perhaps because of this Riallans are noted for not wearing may clothes and their fashions are  the most daring and scandalous of all. Even at court, some might say especially at court.

Biggest Exports:
Spices  (medicinal and for food)
Some hardwood

Biggest Imports:


  1. oooh, Rialla sounds lovely . . .

    Actually, they all sound lovely, but for some reason Rialla just sounds amazing and . . . serene (unless you're encountering wild animals, heh).

  2. You make it all sound very real. Thanks for participating!

  3. Excellent, love the pictures and the detail!

    If only we could really visit all these places, although a few maybe not. :)
